What is Wide Stance Forward Pose (Prasarita Padottasana) and its Benefits?

Some of the poses are best for the beginners as they lay as the groundwork for more complex poses. One of the that poses is Wide Stance Forward Pose. Some poses are designed for the beginners to achieve the focus, balance and flexibility for the advanced yoga journey. This is calming forward bend poses that helps the beginner for other deep bending asanas. Here we will discuss about the what is the Wide Stance Forward Pose that is also referred as the Prasarita Padottasana.

What is the Wide Stance Forward Pose (Prasarita Padottasana)

Wide Stance Forward Pose is also known as the Prasarita Padottasana. It is the beginner level forward bending pose.  It is the Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold is a calming forward bend that stretches the hamstrings and back. This asana is used to open both hips and heart and   improve flexibility in the back, legs, gluteus. It will improves the range of motion in the legs and core. This pose needs the focus for balancing your body in this forward bend. It will bring awareness in the mind and body also.

Prasarita Padottasana, the name of this asana come from the sanskrit phrase where, Prasarita means, “spread or expanded”, Pada means, ” foot or leg, ” Ut means, “intense” and Tan means, “to stretch”. So, this is the wide stretched foot forward bending position that helps to intense stretch in the body.

How To Perform Prasarita Padottasana?

Let us learn how to practice the Wide Stance Forward Pose (Prasarita Padottasana) in safe and easy way:

  1. Start by standing tall with your arms relaxed to your sides.
  2. Now, take a big step back with your right foot.
  3. Bring your feet parallel with big toes facing inward and heel outward.
  4. Strengthen and lengthen the upper body as you bring your  hand to your hips and draw your elbow towards each other.
  5. Keep your spine nice and long, as you slowly start to fold from the hips. Reach the crown of the head down.
  6. From here, place your hands on the floor under your shoulders.
  7. Bending the knees a little if you need.
  8. Keep maintain the spine straight as you draw your abdomen in.
  9. Open your shoulders and keep the leg active.
  10. Hold this position firmly with breathing and gaze forward.
  11. Then slowly bring your hip bits further towards the sky on a long inhale.
  12. Now, fold forward walking your hands closer in line with your feet.
  13. Dropping the head down towards the ground.
  14. Stay here for few breaths.
  15. When you come out of this pose, inhale and slowly pushing your torso halfway up.
  16. Bringing back your hands on the hip and come all the way back up to the standing position.
  17. Bring back your both foot together and relax.

Benefits of Wide Stance Forward Pose (Prasarita Padottasana)

There are numerous benefits of this asana. This pose not only strengthen our body but also helps to improve our mental power.

Here are some of the benefits of Wide Stance Forward Pose (Prasarita Padottasana):

  • Stretches the Hamstrings and Inner Thighs: By forward bending, it helps to stretch and lengthen the hamstrings, calves, and inner thighs, improving flexibility in the lower body.
  • Strengthens the Legs: Holding the pose engages the muscles in the legs, including the quadriceps, glutes, and calves. It helps to build the strength and mobility in the lower body.
  • Improves Hip Flexibility: The wide stance encourages a deeper stretch in the hips, groin, and inner thighs. It will promote the flexibility to the hip areas. It helps to opening the hip flexors.
  • Relieves Tension in the Lower Back: As you fold forward, the pose helps release tension in the lower back. It lengthens the spine that can help reduce discomfort from sitting or standing for long periods.
  • Promotes Better Posture: The alignment and stretching of the spine in this pose encourage better posture. It helps to lengthen the back muscles that improve the poor posture.
  • Stimulates the Abdomen: By bending forward in this pose, massages the abdomen muscles that stimulates the abdomen. It helps to enhance the digestion.
  • Increases Balance and Stability: The wide stance improves overall balance, as it challenges your stability. It will help to enhance your body balance and stability.
  • Calms the Mind: The grounding nature of this pose help to calm and relax the mind with deep breathing. It calms our nervous system that helps to promote the mindfulness and relaxation.
  • Improves Circulation: The forward bend enhances blood flow to the head and upper body. It promotes the blood circulation to the brain that will enhance our mental power and ability.