What is Wheel Pose (Chakrasana) and its Benefits?

Yoga is the transformative practice that integrates the physical movement, breathing practice and meditation. Wheel Pose also known as the Chakrasana is one of the advance level pose. In this section, we will explain about the what is Wheel Pose. yoga postures help to cultivates the balance, strength and mental clarity. Let explore about this beautiful pose in this upcoming blog.

What is the Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)

This is an advanced level back bending yoga pose. It is also known as the Urdhva Dhanursasana. The Wheel Pose in yoga is known as Chakrasana in Sanskrit. The name “Chakrasana” comes from two parts: “Chakra”, meaning “wheel,” and “Asana”, meaning “pose.” Thus, Chakrasana translates to “Wheel Pose” or “Wheel Shape Pose”.

The movement of this pose, brings the energy in the body which helps to ease and builds immense self-confidence. This pose strengthens abdominal muscles and makes the spine flexible. Wheel pose provides benefits of an inverted asana as well by stretching neck, chest, abdomen, arms, and legs. As the chest and ribcage are broad and lifted upwards, this pose also acts as a heart opener.

How to Perform Chakrasana?

Make sure to warm up your body with some gentle backbends or stretches for the spine and shoulders before attempting Wheel Pose. This pose is perform by balancing your body on the palms and feet. It will look like a shape as a half wheel.

Here are the step by step guidance of how to perform Chakrasana:

  1. To start this Asana, lie down on the back and keep your feet apart hip-width.
  2. Your toes is slightly pointing inside and heels are not completely closed.
  3. Extend your hands toward the ceiling.
  4. Bend your elbows and your palms start to face the mat.
  5. make sure that your palms are facing down and your fingers are pointing your heels.
  6. Keep breathing and lift up your hips and your shoulders come on the top of the head.
  7.  When you feel comfortable, you are going slowly lift the entire body.
  8. Slowly lifting the body off the mat with the support of palms and feet.
  9. Now, gently press your palms and inhale lift up your entire body.
  10. Hold this posture for few breathes.
  11. To come out of this posture, slowly come back down by lowering your body.
  12. Relax your body and soft breath.

What are the Benefits Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)?

This is the advance level back bending asana. It is improves the overall health.

Let explore about  the benefits of Wheel Pose:

  • Boosts Circulation: The stretches in the back bending posture helps to increase the flow of blood. It enhances the circulation and better flow of blood and oxygen in the body.
  • Improves Spine Flexibility: The backbend stretches and strengthens the spine, back, legs and abdomen. It will help to improving overall spinal flexibility and mobility.
  • Opens the Chest: It expands the chest and lungs, promoting deeper breathing. It enhances the respiration process in the body.
  • Strengthens the Arms and Legs: Pressing into the hands and feet strengthens the arms, shoulders, and legs, building full-body strength. Lift up the body with the helps of feet and palms helps to activate the arms and core muscles. It improves the mobility in these areas.
  • Stimulates the Core: Engaging the core muscles helps tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles. It will enhance the digestion process in the body.
  • Boosts Energy: The heart-opening nature of the pose can increase energy and strength in the body by improving circulation.
  • Improves Posture: By stretching the front body and strengthening the back, it helps improve overall posture. It reduces the slouching of the back by long time sitting.
  • Relieves Stress: The deep stretch and opening of the chest can help reduce tension in the body. It also helps to promoting a sense of relaxation and emotional release.
  • Stimulates the Nervous System: The pose activates and stimulates the nervous system. This will helpful for encourages the mental clarity and focus.