Yoga is the powerful practice that nurtures the mind and body. Today, we will explore what is the Upward Facing Dog Pose also known as Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana. This is one the most powerful back bending asana. Each poses offers the unique way to practice and have unique benefits. These poses cater the different needs of the practitioners. This pose can help you release back tension and find balance. We are going to discuss in detail about this pose in upcoming section.
What is Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana)
The Upward-Facing Dog Pose is an important part of the Surya Namaskar series. This is the powerful back bending asana that helps to opening your chest and heart. This pose also known as the Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana. This pose has the ability to improve the posture by bending the back and relieve the back tension.
Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana, the name of this asana come from the Sanskrit phrase where, Urdhva means, “upward”, Mukha means, “face”, Savana means, “dog” and Asana means, “posture”. In this pose the practitioner is pose like a dog is facing upward that is why it is called as the Upward Facing Dog Pose. This is similar like the Cobra Pose but it is more dynamic and requires you to lift your thighs and hips off the ground. It helps to engaging more muscles in your legs and core.
How to Perform Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana?
This is the foundational backward bend and chest opening asana.
Here is the step by step guidance of Upward Facing Dog Pose are discussed below:
- To start this asana, lie down flat on the mat.
- Your hands on the sides of the body and chin are touching the mat.
- Now, bring the hand by the sides of the chest.
- Make sure that upper arms should in a straight line.
- Engage your palms and the fingers nicely.
- Now, slowly lift up your upper body by your hands are pressing the floor.
- Your shoulder and wrists are coming in one line.
- Your hips and thighs slightly lift off the floor.
- Lengthen the spine at this time and maintain the stability.
- Gaze forward to maintain the balance but make sure don’t arch your neck.
- Breath deeply and hold this posture for a while.
- To come out of this pose, slowly lower hips and chest to the ground.
- Come back to the lying on your stomach position and relax.
Benefits of Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana)
Upward-Facing Dog offers a wide range of physical and mental benefits that can transform your overall well-being.
Here we will discuss about the benefits of Upward Facing Dog Pose are discussed below:
- Strengthen the upper body: By raising the upper body in this asana, it stretches the upper body. This will help to enhance the upper body strength. This pose helps to improve the posture by stretching the upper body. It bis beneficial for those people, who spend most of the time on desk.
- Opens the Chest: This pose is excellent for opening the chest and shoulders. The stretch in the front body helps to increase flexibility in the chest, pectorals, and shoulders. It improves the lung capacity and respiration process.
- Improves Flexibility: The pose stretches and lengthens the muscles in the front of the body, including the chest, abdomen, and hip flexors. It strengthening and lengthening the back muscles. This pose is good for increasing the flexibility of the spine and hips.
- Relieve Back Pain: If you suffer from back pain or tightness, this can provide relief by stretching the spinal muscles.
- Tones the abdomen muscles: This pose works on the core of abdomen muscles. It helps to improve the digestion and tones the abdomen muscles.
- Boosts Energy: As a heart-opening pose, Upward-Facing Dog encourages the flow of energy through the body. It will help to reduce fatigue and promote feelings of vitality and alertness.
- Improves Breathing: The pose opens up the chest and encourages deeper, more expansive breathing. This can help increase lung capacity and improve overall respiratory health.
- Enhances Mental Focus: Like many yoga poses, Upward-Facing Dog requires concentration, which can help enhance mental clarity and focus. It promotes a sense of presence and mindfulness.