What is the Tortoise Pose (Kurmasana) and its Benefits?

Yoga asanas offering a holistic approach to fitness and well-being. Here we explore about the one such seated forward bending pose, Tortoise pose (Kurmasana). These postures are designed to enhance flexibility, build strength, improve balance, and promote relaxation. Let’s explore the steps and benefits of this pose.

What is the Tortoise Pose

Kurmasana also known as the Tortoise Pose. It is the deep seated forward bending pose. It is advanced yoga pose the is practiced since ancient time. As it has huge benefits, that is still prevailing in the modern world.

Kurmasana the name come from the Sanskrit phrase where Kurma means, “tortoise” and Asana means, “posture”. This pose name as the Tortoise Pose because it resembles tortoise goes into its shell, when its threatened.

When you approach this posture. You may experience withdrawal of sense. You completely detach yourself from the outside distractions that goes around you. So, this Pose helps to withdrawal everything and stay connected to your inner self.

How to do Kurmasana?

In this pose, it involves folding forward while keeping the legs wide apart. It will helps for a deep stretch and release in the hips, back, and hamstrings.

Here is step by step guidance of how to perform this asana:

  1. To start this pose, simply sitting on the floor stretching your leg forward in front of your body.
  2. Now, spread your legs wide and bring your torso always forward.
  3. Your knees are apart more than your shoulder width.
  4. Gently, extend your chest and arms forward and down between your legs.
  5. Bring your torso forward to slide your arms under the bend knees from inside. Your elbow should be under the knee caps.
  6. Now, slowly bend your leg upward to create more space of your shoulders under the knees.
  7. You can roll your thighs inward and extend your abdomen.
  8. Expand your chest and broaden the collarbones while pressing your arms with your thighs.
  9. Feel that your inner heels pushing down in forward direction and your legs being stretched and straightened.
  10. Hold this position for a while and keep breathing gently.

What is the Benefits Tortoise Pose (Kurmasana)?

Tortoise Pose offers numerous benefits for the body as well as mind.

Here are the advantages of Tortoise Pose (Kurmasana):

  • Hip Flexibility: This asana involves a deep stretch in the hips. It will be promoting flexibility in the hip joints and groin area. By stretching the hip joints, it will also help to strengthen the muscles of this area.
  • Shoulder Opening: The pose requires placing the hands behind the back, leading to a nice stretch in the shoulders and upper back. It will help to improving mobility of shoulders, arms, hands and neck areas.
  • Spinal Flexibility: By bending back forward, it will stretch the spinal cord. This will helps to encourages flexibility along the entire length of the spine. It will also improve the balancing.
  • Core Strength: It is seated forward bending pose. This pose engages the core of the muscles. It will help to gives abdominal strength, stability and energy.
  • Stress Reduction: While performing this pose, we bend our body like a tortoise and it will give the calming effect to our mind and body. It will Heps to reduce stress and promoting relaxation.
  • Improved Posture: It will help to stretch and strengthen your back muscles. So, by stretching these muscles help to enhance the posture and alignment.
  • Abdominal Organs Stimulation: The compression in the abdominal region stimulates and massages the internal organs. It will potentially benefiting digestive health.
  • Balanced Energy Flow: The activation of the Swadhisthana Chakra balance energy. It will relate to creativity, emotions, and pleasure. This will help to gives the emotional stability.
  • Pelvic Floor Strength: The pose targets the pelvic floor muscles, contributing to increased strength and stability in this area.
  • Preparation for Advanced Asanas: It will also help preparation for more advanced yoga poses because it requiring a combination of strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.