What is Staff Pose (Dandasana) and its Benefits?

Staff Pose or Dandasana

In yoga postures, some of simple yoga pose are play a vital role in our yoga routine. Today, we will be discussing about the Staff Pose also known as the Dandasana. Beginner are searched about the what is Staff Pose. This is the simple seated pose to practice. This pose is very relaxing and easy to perform. Let us discuss about this pose. In addition, we are going to find out about what are the benefits of Staff Pose.

What is the Staff Pose (Dandasana)?

Staff Pose is also known as the Danadasana. It is a seated yoga posture that helps to improve the posture and mental awareness. It is very comfortable and relaxing yoga pose, that is helpful for practicing other asana. This asana straight up and strengthening the spine column, back, tail bone and shoulders. The spine is straight and Upright, in this pose.

Dandasana, the name come from the combination of two sanskrit word that is Danda means, “staff or stick” and asana means, “pose or posture”. The Staff Pose name resembles to staff or stick, with in spine and back is straight  and upright like a stick.

How to Perform Dandasana?

Staff Pose (Dandasana) is very easy and comfortable posture, this will helps you to prepare of ither challenging yoga posture.

Here is some steps of Staff Pose (Dandasana):

     Step 1. Sit down on a flat surface with back straight.  Your legs are extended out in front of your body.

    Step 2. Place your palms touch the floor by next to your hips on the floor.

    Step 3. Press the sitting position bone in the floor. Point the crown of your head towards ceiling to lengthen and straighten the spine.

    Step 4. Give a good stretch to the feet by flexing the feet back.

    Step 5. Sit in straight  posture with spine is completely straighten up.

    Step 6. Beginner can opt some cushion under the buttock to avoid any discomfort.

    Step 7. Keep breathing slowly, Slowly return to the sitting position.

Till now, we explain the steps of the Staff Pose. Dandasana is the basic foundation asana and easy to perform. Yet there was a huge benefits of the Staff Pose, We explore below  how it beneficial for.

What are the Benefits Staff Pose (Dandasana)?

This comfortable yoga pose, will helps you to straighten the spine and enhancing the posture.

There are many benefits of Staff Pose (Dandasana) that is described below:

  • Helps to Improve Posture: Staff Pose  is very easy as well as relaxing yoga asana. That is improve your body posture.
  • Enhance Hip Mobility: Dandasana stretch the entire body helps to increase the flexibility of hips. Staff Pose will also strengthen the hips and pelvis region by stretching up.
  • Improving Concentration: Staff Pose helps in balancing the mind and increase the power of concentration. It allows more awareness of the unconsciousness realms. Induce physical and mental relaxation quickly.
  • Enhancing Awareness: By practicing Dandasana in our daily life, Staff Pose will helps to enhance the thinking power. Become our thinking power very clear  and efficient.
  • Strengthen the Back Muscles: If you feel tightness in your back muscles , this is an effective  pose for  back muscles  and activating your spine. This asana helping with sciatic pain, which is often felt in the legs as well as the lower back
  • Lengthen and Strengthen the Spine: If you feel tightness in your glutes and inner thighs, this is an excellent pose for opening your hips and activating your spine. Staff Pose will helps to give energy to your spine column and lengthen your spine.
  • Stretch Shoulders, Arms and Chest: Moving down the body, Dandasana also stretches and activates the muscles of the shoulders and arms. It helps to relieves  the pains that are caused by poor standing or walking posture.
  • Improve Digestion: Practicing Dandasana on a regular basis not only improves your spinal health and strength, it has benefits for other areas too. This  pose is believed by many to improve and regulate digestion. So, Staff Pose will improve your digestive complains also.


Staff Pose  aka Dandasana is the basic pose and easy to perform. This simple seated pose will gives you the huge benefits to your health. So, it is important to know the correct way to perform the Staff Pose. Dandasana will enhance your spinal health and keep active your body for practicing the other yoga poses.