Yoga is the old practice that originated in India over five thousand years ago. Today, we are going to explain about what is the Side Plank Pose also known as the Vasishthasana. It brings the harmony to the mind, body and spirit. Yoga poses combines the physical practice, meditations and ethical practice to promote the overall wellness. Let explore about this beautiful strength builder pose in this upcoming article.
What is the Side Plank Pose (Vasishthasana)?
This is the challenging asana but a strength builder asana. Side Plank Pose is the great heart opener pose. The main benefits of the Vasishthasana include strengthening and toning of arms and shoulders. This Vasishthasana improves core strength and builds balance. It also helps in toning the spine. Side Plank Pose is one of the best ways to target and strengthen your obliques.
Vasishthasana, the name of this asana come from the sanskrit phrase where , Vasishtha means, “the best, mist excellent or richest pose”. Vasishtha is the reversed sage Hindu Mythology who was known as the strength and balance and inner peace. Vasistha was one of the Seven Great Sages and was said to have win over negative qualities like anger, desire, pride, and jealousy.
How to Perform Vasishthasana?
This is the challenging pose help to improve your strength. To practice Side Plank Pose in your daily yoga routine will helps to improve your overall health.
Here are the step by step instructions of Side plank Pose:
Step 1. To begin with first go to the mountain posture and place your palms on the mat.
Step 2. Drop your head down and stretch your tailbone.
Step 3. Now, breath gently and push your shoulders forward and go to the Plank Pose.
Step 4. Don’t drop your shoulder.
Step 5. Lift your shoulder away from the ears and your nose parallel to the ground.
Step 6. Push your shoulders in front of your wrist.
Step 7. Now, gently drop your right hand down and start raise your left hand upward.
Step 8. Take your left palm up and turn your neck towards your left palm.
Step 9. To maintain the balance in this position gently shift your weight right leg.
Step 10. To come out of the posture by lowering your left hand down.
Step 11. Relax and repeat on the other side also.
In this following steps you can follow for practicing the Side Plank Pose. There are the multiple benefits of performing this pose that we are going to explain below.
What are the Benefits Side Plank Pose (Vasishthasana)?
Side Plank Pose offers a huge benefits both the physical and mental.
Let us explain about the benefits of Side Plank Pose:
- Strengthen the Upper Body: By raising the side body in this Side Plank Pose, it stretches the arms, shoulders and all over the muscles of the body. Vasishthasana will help to enhance the entire body strength. This pose helps to improve the posture by stretching and strengthening the body.
- Improves Flexibility and Balance: The pose stretches and lengthens the muscles in the front of the body, including the chest, abdomen, and hip flexors. Vasishthasana strengthening and lengthening the back muscles. Side Plank Pose is good for increasing the flexibility of the spine and hips.
- Increase the Arms and Shoulder Strength: Holding this pose with the helps of one arm and legs. It will enhance the stability and strength the arms and shoulders. Side Plank Pose will improve the upper body power.
- Tones the Legs Muscles: Vasishthasana works on leg muscles. This pose helps to enhance the strengthening the thigh, calves, and glutes.
- Boosts Energy: As a heart-opening pose, helps to encourages the flow of energy through the body. It will help to reduce fatigue and promote feelings of vitality and alertness. Side Plank Pose will boost your confidence level to face the challenges in life.
- Enhances Mental Focus: This pose helps to improve the focus and attention. Side Plank Pose helps to develop the sense of achievement and face the challenges of life with full confidence.
- Stimulates the Heart Chakra: Vasishthasana helps to activate the Heart Chakras by expending the upper body. Heart Chakra influence the feeling of love, emotion and it helps to encourages these feelings.
If you will perform this great strength builder pose. It will gives the healthy benefits to your body like Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose) strengthens the core, arms, and wrists while improving balance and stability. It also stretches the legs and enhances focus and mental clarity.