What is Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana) and its Benefits?

We are exploring in this blog about the beautiful challenging pose that is Monkey Pose also known as the Hanumanasana. Beginner have no idea about the Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana) and the benefits of this Pose. It is important to have proper knowledge and guidance about the poses to enjoy the benefits of yoga. Here we shed some light on this pose.

What is the Monkey Pose(Hanumanasana)?

Monkey Pose is also known as the Hanumanasana. The name of this Pose come from the Hindu Scriptures. It is from the name of the Lord Hanuman. Hanuman is known for his mighty leaps. This pose resembles the same, it is full front split pose. It is the challenging pose and always you fell different stretch in your body while practicing this asana. It is seated forward bend asana.

“Hanuman” is a divine deity in the form of a monkey. He is known for his strength and devotion to the teachings of the divine. “Asana” means posture or comfortable seat. This yoga posture symbolizes his leap, strength, devotion, and overcoming difficulty.

This asana will gives you a strength, power and ability to overcome the obstacles.  It deeply stretches the hamstrings of the front leg and hip flexors of the rear leg. It leads not only physical benefits but also the mental strength.

How to Perform Hanumanasana?

Always warm up your muscles with gentle stretches before attempting the pose to avoid injury. Don’t push yourself too hard. If you feel pain or discomfort. Then you will release posture and come out in comfortable position. Try to listen our body while doing any asana.

Here is the step by step guidance of practicing this asana:

Step 1. Start Monkey Pose with the Downward Facing Dog Pose.

Step 2. Stretch yourself to check the neck, shoulders and legs.

Step 3. Then, gently place the  both knees on the floor. Take the kneeling position.

Step 4. Now, right leg move forward on the floor.

Step 5. Tall yourself neck and shoulders relax.

Step 6. Now, see  that the body in the straight line.

Step 7. Take the left leg back and keep the body tall.  Take support of blog to hold your position.

Step 8. Don’t push yourself hard to reach the floor, if you are beginner. Take support of blogs to keep your posture for longer time.

Step 9. Going slowly and steadily to maintain the position.

Step 10. Now, breathing and keep yourself tall. Feel  the lengthening. Keep your back leg and front leg actively engaged this posture.

Step 11. Breathing slowly and gently come out of this posture.

Step 12. Take rest for a while and do this for the side also.

In this way, you can easily and correctly perform the Monkey Pose. When you practice Monkey Pose in your daily yoga routine, it will beneficial for your mental and physical health.

What are the Benefits of Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana)?

This  Monkey pose is fantastic for improving flexibility and strength, and it can bring a sense of calm and focus. It is a wonderful way to deepen your yoga practice. With patience and regular practice, you will find yourself becoming more flexible and strong.

There are huge benefits of Monkey Pose. Some of them are explained below:

  • Increases Flexibility: Monkey Pose helps stretch your hips, back, spine and legs. Hanumanasana will gives a deep stretch in the hamstrings and the hip flexors. It will helps to making more flexible the overall muscles.
  • Strengthens Legs: Hanumanasana stretches the thighs, legs and calves. It will  help to build power to the legs . You feel more powerful in your movements.
  • Improves Balance: Performing Monkey Pose regularly, it will  helps you enhance your balance and stability. This is helpful for overall coordination and making stable.
  • Opens Hips: Monkey Pose is very challenging yoga pose. It helps opening up your hips. Hanumanasana will helps to making it easier to move in other yoga poses and daily activities.
  • Calms the Mind: Holding the pose will improves the focus power. Monkey Pose will also help to reduce stress, bringing a sense of calm.
  • Enhances Posture: It helps you become more aware of your body alignment. By straighten the back and neck while doing this Monkey Pose, it will improve your overall posture.
  • Promotes Body Awareness: Practicing Monkey Pose encourage you to connect with your body. It improving mindfulness.


So far, we have discussed the steps and benefits of performing this Monkey Pose, this is the powerful pose. By practicing this pose regularly, you can enhance your physical flexibility and unlock emotional strength. It is a valuable addition to your yoga practice. Whether you are seeking improved mobility or a deeper connection to your body, Monkey Pose provides numerous physical and mental benefits.