Many yoga novices searched about what is the Inverted Staff Pose and the benefits of the Inverted Staff Pose. In yoga sequence, there are many inversions pose that helps to stimulates the heart chakra and boost the flow of blood and oxygen in the body. These inverted poses help to encourages the physical wellbeing and boost your self-confidence. When you achieve these poses and maintain the hold on these inversion poses it will give you the sense of accomplishment or achievement. Here we will gain knowledge about this excellent inversion back bending asana.
What is Inverted Staff Pose ( Viparita Dandasana)
Inverted Staff Pose is the inverted back bending asana. This is the deep back bending asana with heart opening properties. This pose enhance your flexibility and build the strength in your body. In this pose you challenge your back to maintain the balance in the air. This practice activate the spine, which helps to breathe deeply and opens up the back and chest muscles.
Viparita Dandasana, the name of this asana come form the sanskrit phrase where Viparita means “inverted”, Danda means “staff” and Asana means, “posture or seat”. In this pose you balance your body in inverted position by bending your back. This pose also called as the inverted Staff Pose or Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana, or Wheel Pose variation.
How To Perform Viparita Dandasana?
This is an advanced yoga pose that involves balancing on the hands and aligning the body in a straight line supported by arms.
Here are step by step guidance of Inverted Staff Pose ( Viparita Dandasana) discussed below:
- Start by sitting in the floor in Staff Pose, with your leg extended forward in front of you.
- Place your hands n the floor by the sides of your body.
- Now, slowly move your hands behind you with your fingers pointing forward.
- Press your palms on the floor with engaging your arms.
- You will shift most of your body weight on your palms.
- Now, slowly lift your thighs off the floor by pressing your heels on the floor.
- Then start lifting your hips upward toward the sky.
- Keep your legs straight and feet active.
- Push through your hands and keep your elbows straight as you press into the floor.
- Your chest should be open and your back should start to arch slightly.
- Maintaining a strong, straight line from your feet to your hands.
- If you comfortable then gently straighten your legs.
- Continue to engage your chest and open your heart toward the sky.
- Keep focusing in this position and stay active and align.
- Hold this pose for engaging your core.
- Then, gradually release the posture.
- Come to the starting position by lowering down your body and relax.
Benefits of Inverted Staff Pose ( Viparita Dandasana)
This is the deep back bending pose which helps to opening the heart and improves our heart health. With this it enhance the flexibility and strength in your body. This contains physical as well as mental benefits.
Here are the benefits of Inverted Staff Pose ( Viparita Dandasana) are discussed below:
- Strengthen the upper body: By raising the upper body in this asana, it stretches the arms, shoulders and all over the muscles of the body. This will help to enhance the entire body strength. This pose helps to improve the posture by stretching and strengthening the body.
- Improves Flexibility and Balance: The pose stretches and lengthens the muscles in the front of the body, including the chest, abdomen, and heart. It strengthening and lengthening the back muscles. This pose is good for increasing the flexibility of the spine and hips.
- Increase the Arms and Shoulder Strength: Holding this pose with the helps of one arm and legs. It will enhance the stability and strength the arms and shoulders. This will improve the upper body power.
- Tones the Legs muscles: This pose works on leg muscles. This pose helps to enhance the strengthening the thigh, calves, and glutes.
- Improves Breathing: The pose opens up the chest and encourages deeper, more expansive breathing. This can help increase lung capacity and improve overall respiratory health.
- Enhances Mental Focus: This pose helps to improve the focus and attention. This pose helps to develop the sense of achievement and face the challenges of life with full confidence.
- Stimulates the Heart Chakra: This asana helps to activate the Heart Chakras by expending the upper body. Heart Chakra influence the feeling of love, emotion and it helps to encourages these feelings.