What is Head To Knee Pose (Janusirsasana) and its Benefits?

Yoga involves various poses which is simple to challenging yoga posture. We learn about one such pose is Head To Knee Pose is also known as Janusirsasana. For yoga beginners, it seems challenging at first. When you start practice yoga in your daily life then you will able to adapt the challenging posture also. So, we will come to solve your problems with proper steps of instructions and with the benefits of the Head To Knee Pose. Today we will discuss about the Head to Knee Pose that is modern yoga posture. Let’s explore more about this pose in this upcoming section.

What is the Head To Knee Pose (Janusirsasana)?

Head To Knee Pose is also known as Janusirsasana. It is simple seated forward bend posture. It is the modern yoga posture. We allowing the head to full forward to the knee.  Head To Knee Pose impact to the hamstring, groins, lower back and whole of the spine. It also impact the arms, kidney, lever and all through it impact on our brain.

The Janusirsana come from the sanskrit language where janu means, “knee”, Siras means, “head” and Asana means, “posture”. For commonly translated in English for easy understanding Head to Knee Forward Bending Pose.

How to Perform Janusirsasana?

To perform JanuSirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose), you can follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: To start this pose, sitting in Dandasana.

Step 2: Keep feet active and hands are sides of the body and back in straight line.

Step 3: Bend the leg to the knees. If you are beginner then support the knee to the blog.

Step 4: Make yourself comfortable in this pose. Do not struggle yourself.

Step5: Now, one leg is straight and bring other left leg is bent.

Step 6:  The sole of left leg touches the right thigh.

Step 7: Heel become closer to the perineum of left leg.

Step 8: Allowing the knees drop on the ground.

Step 9: Right leg which is straight is active while performing this pose.

Step 10: Now,  the navel button come close towards the leg which is straight.

Step 11: Placing the both hands and palms on the thigh.

Step 12: Start leaning forward from the groin with full forward bend.

Step 13: Lower abdomen is first closer to the thigh.

Step 14: Exhale and come forward. Lengthen the back as much as you can.

Step 15: Extend the elbow out and away from the floor. Eyes and shoulders are relaxed.

Step 16: Use the gravity and bend the body forward. Become comfortable to the stretch.

Step 17: Hold the position for a while and come out to this pose by straighten the back.

Step 18: Practice Janusirsasana to the other side as well.

In this way, we perform Head To Knee Pose easily and carefully. Janusirsasana is the very effective asana to perform to make your body flexible by forward bending.

What is the Benefits Head To Knee Pose (Janusirsasana)?

Here we discuss the benefits of Head To Knee Pose:

  • Stretches the Hamstrings: This pose helps stretch the back of your legs, making them more flexible. Head To Knee Pose will also give impact on the hamstring, groins and whole of the spine. Janusirsasana will helps to give strength and stability to the spine and hamstring.
  • Opens the Hips: It gently stretches the hips, which can help reduce tightness and improve movement. This will also help to opening the hip flexors.
  • Calms the Mind: Sitting forward can be soothing and helps reduce stress, promoting relaxation. Janusirsasana will increase the blood flow in the head. This will helps to calming and relaxing our mind.
  • Improves Digestion: The forward bend will put a nice pressure to abdomen muscles and to the groins. Head To Knee Pose will helps you to stimulates your digestive organs, helping with digestion.
  • Strengthens the Spine: While performing this asana, when we bend forward to the knees. Janusirsasana will give a nice stretch to the spine.  This pose encourages good posture and strengthens the spine.
  • Increases Focus: While Performing the Janusirsasana will helps you to concentrate. This will improve your overall mental focus.
  • Relieves Tension: It can help  relieves the tension in the back and neck and give a good stretch to the muscles. Janusirsasana will provide a relief from discomfort.
  • Stimulates Energy Flow: The forward fold in this pose will helps to stimulates the flow of prana (energy) in the body. It  promoting a sense of calmness and comfort. Head To Knee Pose will also help to maintain the soul and body connection.


Practicing Head To Knee Pose will helps you to maintain the physical and mental health positively. But, it is important to always listen your body, do not push hard your body for performing any asana. Avoid overstretching or rounding the back. People have injury in lower back, practice Head To Knee Pose with cautions.