Four Limbed Staff Pose is also known as the Chaturanga Dandasana is the foundation of the yoga practice. Today, we learn about the what is the Four Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana) and its steps of performance. In addition, we know the health benefits to perform our Limbed Staff Pose.
What is the Four Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)?
Four Limbed Staff Pose is also known as the Chaturanga Dandasana. This name Chaturanga Danadasana is come from the sankrit phrase that is Chatur means, “Four”, Anga means,” limb”, Danda means, “Staff”, and Asana means, “Posture”. It is referred as Chaturanga Danadasana becuse it involve four limbs to hold the body weight. It is also called Low Plank Pose.
Chaturanga Dandasana beneficial for the arms, back, shoulder and abdomen muscles. This pose strengthen the wrists and arms. It shape the arms, shoulders and back develop the basic stability. This is the foundation of yoga Practice.
How To Perform Chaturanga Dandasana?
Four Limbed Staff Pose is a very best for the beginner for performing the other pose also. This pose require you to go on your arms and your toes completely. Balancing all your body weight in just with your arms and legs. There are many variation of the Chaturanga Dandasana. You can choose the variation depending upon your level of practice.
Here are step by step instruction of performing Four Limbed Staff Pose aka Chaturanga Dandasana:
Step 1. To start this asana, simply sit on the ground in Mudrasana.
Step 2. From here you are going to take your hand in all force.
Step 3. You will place your shoulder and arms in one line and also the hips and knees in one line.
Step 4. Now, tuck your toes and come up in High Plank Pose.
Step 5. When you come upward in High Plank Pose, if your shoulder is not on line with your wrist.
Step 6. Then, you have to walk slightly back depending upon the length of your limb.
Step 7. You stay strong in High Plank Pose. Do not arch your back and not push your hips up.
Step 8. Keep gaze down slightly lift your head.
Step 9. Now, slowly drop your knees down but your shoulders and palm in one line.
Step 10. Now gently come out of this pose and sit in comfortable position.
In this way we perform the Chaturanga Dandasana. There are numbers of benefits of Chaturanga Dandasana, we explain in detail the benefits of practicing this beautiful foundational asana.
What is the Benefits of Four Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)?
This is the very great and powerful yoga pose. It requires you to hold your body weight on your four limbs. So, it will give strength to your arms, shoulders and legs. There are huge benefits of practicing this asana.
Here is the some of the benefits of Four Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana):
- Enhance Flexibility: Chaturanga Dandasana helps retain your body flexibility by stretching the muscles of your entire body. Therefore, this yoga posture can be a great help if you perform this exercise daily.
- Prepare for Advance Pose: Four Limbed Staff Pose is a preparatory pose for other advanced yoga poses. The pose helps develop stronger abdominal muscles and better body balance. So, Chaturanga Dandasana will beneficial for learning advanced poses.
- Improve Posture: Strengthening muscles around back provides better support and reduces strain. So, Four Limbed Staff Pose will helps to improve the posture of our body.
- Reduce digestive Issue: Engaging the core muscles in this pose stimulates digestive organs. Improved digestion helps in nutrient absorption and reduce digestive issues. Chaturanga Dandasana promotes overall gut health and comfort.
- Rejuvenate Manipura Chakras: Chakras are the gateways of our spiritual connectivity. Chaturanga Dandasana is an effective posture to rejuvenate the third chakra, Manipura. This chakra helps to our inner awareness and spiritual connection.
- Strengthen Back and Core Muscles: Keeping your body in perfect alignment can increase strength in your spine and core muscles. Chaturanga Dandasana also helps to correct body posture and gives better stability. This Chaturanga Dandasana helps to give better back ailments.
- Strengthen Arms : When you hold your body with arms and legs, in Chaturanga Dandasana. It will give strength or energy to your arms.
- Boost Confidence: When you handle the whole body weight with helps of your four limbs. Four Limbed Staff Pose will helps to boost your confidence to handle every situation in your real life also.
Chaturanga Dandasana that is also called as the Four Limbed Staff Pose is the foundational yoga pose. There are multiple benefits of the Chaturanga Dandasana of practice this pose. This pose will gives you the strength and prepare you for the other yoga pose.