What is the Formidable Pose (Bhairavasana) and its Benefits?

Today, we discover about the Formidable Pose which is also called as the Bhairavasana. Yoga novices have not much aware about what is the Formidable Pose (Bhairavasana). So, we explain the proper guidance and benefits of performing this asana in our blog.

What is the Formidable Pose (Bhairavasana)?

Formidable Pose (Bhairavasana) is the hatha yoga Asana known as Kala Bhairavasana. The body is balancing as one straight leg and one arm. As per the Hindu Scripture, Bhairava is one of the eighth Shiva’s incarnations. Bhairava Means Formidable or Kala Bhairava is the name of Hindu God Shiva in this Avatara, as the universe destroyer and Asana means to seat or posture.

Bhairava cut of the Brahma’s five heads because he become arrogant and took over Shiva’s responsibility. So, this Bhairavasana is said to the reminder to keep the ego in check because in this posture, the leg appears to be about to cut off the head.

Formidable Pose is the side bending and twisting of the torso, stretching the hamstring, hips, legs and arm core. Along with physical benefits, it will gives you mental peace and calmness.

How to perform Bhairavasana?

This Formidable Pose also known as the Destroyer of Universe Pose. According to Hindu mythology, Shiva’s fingernail was the origin of Bhairava, who represents Shiva’s mighty destruction principle. Bhairavasana is a challenging pose. So, to avoid any injury you should carefully follow the steps  to come in this posture.

Here we guide about the Bhairavasana steps:

Step 1. Sit down on the ground in the Dandasana posture or staff pose and stretch both leg forward.

Step 2. Bend the right knee and hold the same leg foot on both hands.

Step 3. Breathe deeply and start to raise the right leg carefully with the helps of your arms.

Step 4. Lift the leg upward and place it carefully behind the neck.

Step 5. When the leg placement behind your neck is comfortable and not feel any discomfort.

Step 6. Hold this position for a while and then keep both the hands on the side and gently lift your body from the ground.

Step 7. Keep breathing slowly.

Step 8. Now get into the plank position with both your hands on the ground and balancing with core on one leg.

Step 9. Inhale deeply and raise the left hand from the mat.

Step 10. Exhale deeply and get back out of the plank pose by bringing the left arm on the ground.

Step 12. Now sit back on the ground with both arms on the sides.

Step 13. Inhale slowly and raise your hand to unbind your leg behind the neck.

Step 14. Gradually get out of this posture and rest for while.

This is the steps of performing this challenging and balancing Bhairavasana. There are multiple benefits of Formidable Pose that we are explaining in  this section below. When you master this challenging bending twisting pose, it will boost your confidence to face the challenges of life.

What is the Benefits of the Formidable pose (Bhairavasana)?

Formidable Pose is very challenging and advance level yoga pose. It is very powerful pose that gives us the physical as well as mental benefits. This asana taught us to always be humble and control your ego because this posture of Bhairavasana can feel as though the one leg placed on the head. So, this yoga asana gives us to a great benefits.

Here is some benefits of Formidable Pose (Bhairavasana):

  • Relax and Calm Nervous System: Holding this Formidable Pose gives you the sense of calmness, acceptance and surrender your ego. By bringing the sense of surrender and acceptance it will helps you to  bring calmness in your life.  You will feel relax while doing this asana
  • Toning the Abdominal Organ: For practicing this Bhairavasana, it will give the stretch to the abdominal muscles . This will helps to gives you the healthy digestive system that will improve your digestion.
  • Stretching and Strengthen the muscles: When you perform Bhairavasana, it will gives you a good stretch your arms, legs and the other parts of the body also. This will helps you to give strength to your muscles.
  • Opening the Glutes: This Formidable Pose is a advanced level hip opening posture. It will give the stretch in hip flexors, it improve the flexibility in hips and release stress.
  • Strengthen the leg muscles:  This posture of Bhairavasana, the one leg placed by twisting behind the neck. So, this yoga pose gives the strength to your legs and improve mobility of your leg.


Bhairavasana is a powerful pose that not only enhances strength and flexibility but also improves focus and mental clarity. By following the steps carefully and practicing consistently.  You will experience the numerous physical and mental benefits this pose offers. Incorporating Formidable Pose into your routine will help you build balance, stability, and inner peace, making it an invaluable addition to your yoga practice.