What is Ear Pressure Pose (Karnapidasana) and its Benefits?

Ear Pressure Pose (Karnapidasana) is known for its ability to calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation. It also improves circulation and helps to relieve headaches and sinus pressure. As a relatively advanced inversion, it requires careful alignment and attention to safety.  When practiced Karnapidasana mindfully, it offers both physical and mental benefits. In this blog, we will learn the steps, benefits, and tips for practicing Ear Pressure Pose.

What is the Ear Pressure Pose (Karnapidasana) ?

Karnapidasana also known as Ear Pressure Pose. It is an intermediate forwarding bending yoga Pose. Karnapidasana offers a range of benefits to the mind and body. This yoga pose enhance the hearing power because it create a gentle pressure in the ear.

karnapidasana come from the sanskrit phrase where Karna means, “ear”, Pida means, “pain or pressure”, and Asana means, “posture”. It is pose that bending the leg over the head, creating a gentle pressure in the ear. The pose target various parts of the body including  head, neck, thigh, hip, knees and legs. This Ear Pressure yoga pose improves the spinal flexibility. It helps to toning the back muscles and enhance hearing power.

How to Perform Karnapidasana?

This is the great yoga pose for enhance the capability of hearing power by creating pressure on the ear.

Here is steps of practicing the Ear Pressure Pose (Karnapidasana):

Step 1. Firstly to start this pose, simply lie down on the back with your hands.

Step 2. Moving on the Ear pressure Pose, come on the shoulder stand sequence and Halasana.

Step 3. Slowly try to bend your  knees one by one.

Step 4. Bring your knees up toward your ears.

Step 5. Now, place your knees closer to your ear. As the knees are cupping the ear.

Step 6. Extending the legs as it parallel to the floor.

Step 7. To stretch the leg  muscles , you can always bend your knees. Your toes is stretched back.

Step 8.  slowly try to your arms are inwardly rotated and stretched.

Step 9. Hold this pose for a while and then slowly release the posture.

In this way, you can practice Ear Pressure Pose. This is best pose for enhancing your listening power. There are huge benefits of performing this pose that we are explaining below.

What are the Benefits Ear Pressure Pose (Karnapidasana)?

Here are the some benefits of Ear Pressure Pose (Karnapidasana):

  • Ease stress:  Ear pressure Pose helps to calm your body. It will gives a great relax to your body and helps to reduce the stress. It is very good asana to relax your body for a long day.
  • Relieve Ear Pressure: In Karnapidasana, we bending the leg over the head. it will create a gentle pressure on the ear. This pose will helps to enhance the hearing power of the ear.
  • Enhance flexibility:  This pose involves intensely stretching the spinal muscles. Ear Pressure Pose will contributing to improved flexibility and range of motion in the spine. It will improve the overall flexibility of the body.
  • Improve Circulation: It will helps to increase the flow of blood in head and neck. The inverted position of Karnapidasana helps to improves  the blood circulation to the brain also. It will helps to remove toxins from the body and revitalizing the body.
  • Deepens Breathing: This Ear pressure pose encourages deeper breathing, which can help you feel more relaxed and calm.
  • Stimulates the Thyroid: This yoga pose create the gentle pressure on the neck and throat area. It will stimulate the thyroid gland, which helps regulate metabolism.
  • Opening the Hips: Ear Pressure Pose will provide a gentle pressure on the hip joints. It will helps to opening hip flexors. Which can helps to relieve tightness.
  • Improve Digestion: Karnapidasana will compress the abdominal that will messages the internal organs of the stomach. It will enhance the digestive system to release digestive juice and helpful for digestion.
  • Promote Better Sleep: This Ear Pressure Pose stretches the neck, head, back, spine, hips and shoulders. Karnapidasana will gives a great relaxation to body. It will helps to enhance the quality sleep.


Till now, we have discussed Karnipidasana (Ear Pressure Pose), which applies pressure on the ears to enhance your listening ability. We have also covered the various benefits of this pose and the steps to perform it in a simple and clear way.