What is Eagle Pose (Garudasana) and its Benefits?

Yoga is the best way to balance the mind and body. Here we discuss one such standing balancing pose Eagle Pose also referred as the Garudasana. This is the great balancing and strengthening asana. Let’s explore about the what is the Eagle Pose in this upcoming blog. In addition, we guide about the Garudasana steps and benefits.

What is the Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

Garudasana is also known as Eagle Pose. It is the standing balancing pose. Garudasana is the challenging pose of wrapping arms and legs around each other, while balancing on one leg. Eagle Pose is the wonderful hip and heart opening yoga pose.

The name Garudasana come from the sanskrit language, where Garuda means, “eagle” and Asana means, “posture”. As per the Hindu Scriptures, Garuda is the Vahana (mount) of the Lord Vishnu. Garuda is the powerful bird and also the king of all birds. Vishnu was very impressed with power and strength of Garuda. Garuda is said half human and half bird. His body is shine like a gold with two of his hands folded in Anjali Mudra, his wings is like a kite.

Being the Garuda is devoid the ignorance and misconception. Looking straight to the truth in every situation. In this Eagle Pose our body is preparing for one point focus and give alertness in breathing. So, Garudasana will helps to attain physical as well as mental benefits.

How to Perform the Garudasana?

Here are step by step guidance of Eagle Pose:

Step 1. To start this asana, firstly stand on the ground in Tadasana with feet hip width apart.

Step 2. Bend the knees gently, send the hip bone way back. We are going to little squat here.

Step 3. Sending the fingertips forwards and spreading awareness to all parts of the body.

Step 4. Now, we are going to feet together. May be keeping just a little bit space.

Step 5. Drop the right arm underneath your left arm and kindly swing the fingertips.

Step 6. So, elbow is hooked there kind of Ninja Posture. Sink the hips a little bit.

Step 7. Then raise the right toes up and cross the right toes over the left leg. Right toes is touching the ground.

Step 8. Fingertips are pointing towards the sky and continue the wrapping of the arms around.

Step 9. Then, palms come together  but keep the shoulder adjusted your pose.

Step 10. Lift the right toes up and wrap it to all around the left leg.

Step 11. Spreading constant awareness of hip and shoulders.

Step 12. Focus your gaze down past up nose. Hold your posture as your comfort level.

Step 13. Exhale and come out of this posture. Give a nice stretch to your arms and do the other side also.

This is  a straightforward guide to mastering Eagle Pose with proper form. Remember, don’t push beyond your limits, listen to your body and move at your own pace. In the next section, we will dive into the many health benefits this pose offers.

What is the Benefits of Eagle Pose (Garudasana)?

Here is the some of the Eagle Pose benefits:

  • Improves Balance: In Garudasana, we balancing our body by wrapping our arms and leg. It will helps to enhance coordination between the core muscles and improves our balance.
  • Increases Flexibility:  Eagle pose will helps to Stretches the shoulders, hips, and legs. That will gives strength and  improving overall flexibility.
  • Strengthens Legs: Garudasana is the standing balancing position.  When we come up in the final posture, we will stand with one leg by wrapping the other leg all around to the other toes. It Builds strength in the thighs, calves, and ankles. Eagle Pose will also gives energy and power to our legs.
  • Opens Hips:  When we do Eagle Pose, we are spreading awareness in hips, by generously breathing. It Deepens the stretch in the hip joints, relieving tension. It will helps to opening our hip flexors.
  • Stimulates Circulation: Garudasana will helps to enhance the better blood flow in our body. That will helps to improves the cardiovascular health.
  • Enhances Focus:  Eagle pose requires concentration while doing, It will sharpening mental clarity and mindfulness.  Maintaining balance by putting whole body weight on all fours of the grounded foot and hand and consciously keeping the body light. It will enhances breathing and develops the sense of focus and concentration.
  • Reduces Stress:  The legs, hips, and shoulders are actively engaged, the storehouse of unwanted tension, emotions, and stress. This pose can help remove the negative energy and from the body, creating space for the new prana to enter. It encourages relaxation and can promote a sense of calm.
  • Boosts Confidence: Successfully holding the Eagle Pose for a while is boost your confidence and energy as well.


So far, we have explored the steps and benefits of Eagle Pose aka Garudasana on our blog. This powerful pose is key to boosting balance and flexibility, offering a dynamic practice that enhances both coordination and strength.