What is Cockerel Pose (Kukkutasana) and is its Benefits?

Advanced yoga poses are designed to challenge the body and mind, balance, and focus. We discuss one of such pose is Cockerel Pose (Kukkutasana). These poses require a deeper understanding of body alignment, breath control, and mental concentration. Let’s Explore the steps and the benefits of the Kukkutasana.

What is the Cockerel Pose (Kukkutasana)?

Kukkutasana is one of the advanced yoga postures and is also known as Cockerel Pose or Yoga Rooster Pose. The word Kukkutasana comes from Sanskrit, where ‘Kukkut’ means cock or rooster and ‘Asana’ means pose. The primary benefits of Kukkutasana is nourishment and fertility. Roosters are also curious, which symbolizes acquiring knowledge through inquisitiveness.

Cockerel Pose is the intense and advanced level pose that requires requires practice to master. It’s not recommended for people with heart issues, lung conditions, elbow or shoulder injuries, an enlarged spleen, or gastric ulcers.

How to Perform Kukkutasana?

Cockerel Pose is an intense and advanced-level pose. You should practice well before the master performs this pose.

The steps to perform Kukkutasana are mentioned below.

Step 1. Begin in Staff Pose, sitting comfortably on the ground.

Step 2. Insert your hands between the calves and thighs, near the knees.

Step 3. Gradually push the arms through the legs, reaching up to the elbows.

Step 4. Firmly place the palms on the floor, fingers pointing forward.

Step 5. Keep the head straight, gaze fixed on a point ahead, and lift the body, balancing solely on the hands.

Step 6. Hold the back straight and stay in the pose for a comfortable duration.

Step 7. Slowly return to the floor, releasing the arms, hands, and legs.

Step 8. Change leg position and repeat the pose.

We perform this asana with these above discussed step of Kukkutasana. There are huge benefits of the Cockerel Pose that we are going to explain in detailed below.

What are the Benefits of Cockerel Pose (Kukkutasana)?

Kukkutasana is a challenging yoga asana that offers a unique blend of strength, balance, and flexibility. There are multiples  Cockerel Pose benefits.

Let’s us know about the Cockerel Pose benefits:

  • Strengthens the Upper Body:  Cockerel Pose will Stretches and strengthens the arms, shoulders, chest, and stomach. This will encourage the energy and power of the upper body.
  • Improves Blood Circulation: Kukkutasana will helps to enhance strength and stretch the upper body. Cockerel Pose will also Promotes smooth blood circulation to the upper body which can help prevent heart-related issues.
  • Tones Muscles: By stretching the muscles of the arms, shoulders, legs, thighs and back. Kukkutasana will helps to toning the biceps and triceps, and reduces the risk of injury.
  • Improves Digestion: Regular practice of Cockerel Pose can help with digestion by increasing enzyme production. It will help to stretching the abdominal organs that will encourage your digestive health..
  • Enhances Sleep: Cockerel Pose helps to stretch and improve the flexibility of the body. Kukkutasana will help to reduce anxiety and stress, which can lead to better sleep and quality sleep.
  • Enhance Flexibility: This yoga pose helps to enhance mobility in the hips and legs, by stretching.
  • Improves Metabolism: This will help to improves the working of your digestive organs. Cockerel Pose also helps to improve metabolism.
  • Advances the Immune System: By doing this pose in your daily yoga practice, it will boost your energy level. It will improve  your immune system and protect your body from diseases.
  • Relieves Menstrual Discomfort: By practicing this asana it can massage the abdominal organs, which can help relieve menstrual discomfort. It will also help to relieve the menstrual cramps.


We discuss that how we perform the Cockerel Pose aka Kukkutasana and the benefits of this pose. This is the great pose to strengthen the upper body and also improves your mental health.