Child’s Pose (Balasana) is the best pose to perform for the yoga novices. So, if you are planning to start your yoga journey, than this is the perfect pose to start. Here we discuss how to perform Child’s Pose easily and in addition Child’s Pose benefits also describe in detail. So that you will enjoy your yoga practice without any hurdle or confusion about the various poses.
What is the Child’s Pose (Balasana)?
Balasana also known as Child’s pose, that not only release stress but also helps to reduce back pain as it stretch your back. Child’s Pose is the perfect posture for beginners. This is very relaxing pose that also stretch your arms, hips, thigh, ankles, and back. The resting posture of this Balasana will helps you to connect your soul. Balasana philosophical meaning is to surrender, humility, connection to the present moment, innocence and trust.
This asana name come from the sanskrit phrase that is Bala means, “child” and asana means, “posture or exercise”. In this Child’s Pose, the practitioner facing the floor like a child. Balasana also known as Shashankasana or Garbhasana.
How to Perform Balasana?
Here is the steps by steps instructions of the Child’s Pose:
Step 1:To perform this asana, you will come down to the knees on the ground.
Step2: You will put your hand on the yoga mat.
Step3:Now, spread your knees wider and keeping the top of your feet and big toes is touching the ground.
Step4: Then, allow the stomach rest between your thighs, slowly you can bring your arm to the backside, facing the palm upward.
Step5: Hold this posture and start inhale and exhale gently. try to relax your body and connecting with your soul by focusing.
Step6: Hold this posture for a while, return to the sitting posture and slowly open your eyes.
Step7: Rub your palm and place them on your eyes and face to feel the warmth. Child Pose is very relaxing asana.
This is the simple steps of Child’s Pose, you can follow while practicing this pose. There are numerous benefits of performing the Child’s Pose. we are going to expalin the benefits of the Balasana in this upcoming section in detail.
What are the Benefits of Child’s Pose or Balasana?
Balasana or Child’s Pose helps you to connecting with your soul, its is very calming and relaxing posture . This posture is easy to perform and there are numerous benefits of this asana. Child’s Pose will gives you a nice stretch in your arms, back and the belly.
Here is some advantages of Child’s Pose (Balasana):
- Stress Relief: Child’s Pose is quite easy to perform and in this pose, we will sitting our head down to the floor like child. So it will very calming and relaxing experience that will helps you to relives your stress, tension and anxiety.
- Improve Sleep: Balasana will give a strength in your back muscles and also enhance the flow of blood in your body. Child’s Pose will helps you to gives you a quality sleep.
- Enhance Body Awareness: To perform this Balasana, it will gives you not only physical benefits but also gives the mental peace. This pose helps you to connecting with your soul. You feel very comfortable in this posture, when you daily practicing this asana.
- Hips Mobility: It will gives you a nice stretch in your back, arms , wrist, shoulders and hips flexors.
- Enhance circulation of Blood: In thisBalasana, you will go down on the floor with your head, this will increase your blood circulation.
- Strong Alignment: This Child’s Pose helps to stretch your ankles and shoulders and improve the movement and alignment of your body.
- Back and Spinal Health: When you performing this Balasana, it will helps you to give stretch in your back body and the spine. This will helps you to enhance your posture and spinal health.
- Reduce Physical Tiredness: Regularly practice the Child’s Pose helps you to gives stretching your back body and energize your body. this will helps you to reduce the physical tiredness.
- Improve the Respiratory System: This open up the chest muscles that encourage the respiration process in your body. Child’s Pose will release the tension in your chest. It enhance the breathing effectiveness and improve the oxygen intake by stretching the surrounding muscles.
So far, we have discussed the steps of performing the Child’s Pose and in benefits of practice this pose. Child’s Pose is a restorative, calming pose that offers both physical and mental benefits. This is the best pose to give a beautiful start to your yoga journey.