Butterfly Pose is known by various names such as Cobbler’s Pose, Baddha Konasana and bound angle pose. This is sitting yoga pose that is very good for female. Here in this blog, we discuss the details knowledge about what is Butterfly Pose with its steps and benefits.
What is the Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)?
Butterfly Pose, Bound Angle Pose or Cobbler Pose is historically called Baddha Konasana. This is called as Cobbler’s Pose because it resembles the sitting posture of cobbler at work. Baddha Konasana is derived from the sanskrit phrase that’s means Baddha means, “bound” and Kona means, “angle”.
Butterfly Pose also known as Bound Angle Pose. Beside all of that, it is helpful pose for therapeutic hips and groin opener. It can increase your fertility because of the stimulation of the blood flow in the pelvic area. Baddha Konasana is best to practice early in the morning or late in the evening, when you have not just had food.
How To Practice Baddha Konasana?
This Butterfly pose is a great to improve your flexibility in the inner thighs and opening your hips flexors. It also helps to smooth out any menstrual discomfort and any digestive complaint.
Here is the steps of this Butterfly Pose:
Step 1. Begin to sit with a straight back and keep your soles of your foot together.
Step 2. Interlock your fingers on your toes and begin to flap your thigh.
Step 3. So, this will helps to opening tightening your groin and hips.
Step 4. Make sure that your breathe is really normal.
Step 5. To intensify the stretch in your groin, pull your feet closer to your pelvis and begin to flap a couple of times.
Step 6. Now, if you are a beginner slowly bring your elbows, slowly down to the mat and best in the position.
Step 7. Make sure to breathe, so you can getting used to the stretch.
Step 8. Intensify the stretch more gently, stretch your arms all the way forward and put your head down to the mat.
Step 9. It is going hard to the initial stage but make sure yow will practice it every single day.
Step 10. Once you release the posture. Gently inhale, slides your arms all the way back and relax.
This Butterfly Pose will helps you to achieve the strength your lower body and improve the flexibility in your inner thighs and lower back. So, while practicing this posture in your daily life, you will experience many health benefits.
What is the Benefits of Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)?
There are several benefits of this Baddha Konasana and is a popular yoga posture in yoga classes.
Here is the benefits of this Butterfly Pose:
- Lower stress level: This butterfly posture helps you to enhance the inner awareness of your body and prepare your body to sit for longer time in meditation. this loosen up the inner thigh, hips and the lower back which ease your discomfort. So, this will helps you to feel better overall and helps you to manage your stress.
- Butterfly Pose for Periods: Baddha Konasana is great to practice in menstrual, it promotes the healthy menstrual period. It will sooths the cramps during periods.
- Helps in loosen up lower back, hips and inner thigh: Butterfly Pose strengthen the pelvic floor and psoas muscles as well as hip flexors. This will gives you a nice stretch in your lower body that will helps to loosen up the hips , inner thigh and lower back.
- Help with Fatigue: Baddha Konasana helps to stimulate the blood circulation in the lower body and it helps to reduce fatigue while walking and standing.
- Help in Lower Back Pain: This asana helps you to reduce the lower back pain, sciatic pain and menstrual pain.
- Helps in Migraine Pain Relief: Baddha Konasana helps to stimulate the blood circulation, this will also helps to reduce migraine pain as well.
- Reduce Depression: By practicing the Butterfly Pose , it will helps you to feel relax and comfortable and improve your mood . This will helps to reduce depression in people with mild to moderate depression.
- Butterfly Pose for Female: This Butterfly Pose is the best pose for female to practice this pose, it helps to increase the reproductive health in women. It also relax the pelvis muscles and increase the flexibility in pelvic area. This butterfly pose is beneficial for female in fertility.
- Butterfly Pose for Weight Loss: This pose helps to improves the digestion and tones the hips. It will help to maintain the weight and reduce excess fat.
Butterfly pose enhancing your energy level, encourages awareness , helps to release tension, stress and anxiety and feel at ease. When you practice Butterfly Pose daily, It will encourages your reproductive health.