What is Big Toe Supine Pose (Supta Padangusthasana) and its Benefits

Yoga practitioners has not very much aware about the various poses of the yoga. In this section, we will discuss about Big Toe Supine Pose (Supta Padangusthasana) with its safe way to practice. There is detailed knowledge about the Big Toe Supine pose in this section. In addition, we will discuss about the Big Toe Supine pose and benefits of this pose.

What is Big Toe Supine pose (Supta Padangusthasana)?

Big Toe Supine pose is as powerful yet gentle yoga posture that gives us physical and mental stability and strength. This is also referred as the Supta Padangusthasana. Big Toe Supine Pose (Supta Padangusthasana) is perfect pose to gives a good stretch to your hamstring, legs and boosting your flexibility. It helps to open the pelvic muscles by stretching the lower body. Big Toe Supine Pose (Supta Padangusthasana) is good pose for beginner to improve their forward bend.

Supta Padangusthasana, come from the sanskrit phrase, where Supta means,” reclining”, Pada means, “foot”, Agustha means, “big toe” and Asana means, “posture”. In this pose, performed by reclining on the floor by holding the big toe upward with the hand.

How to Perform Supta Padangusthasana?

Practicing this asana regularly helps to stretches the hamstring and increase the flexibility and stability in your body. Be mindful while performing this asana. Always listen to your body.

Here is the steps of Big Toe Supine Pose:

Step 1. Begin with the lying on your back with your feet touching the floor.

Step 2. Raise your right leg upright without bending the knees.

Step 3. Clasp your right big toe with your index and middle finger or use a strap.

Step 4. Place the left palm on your left thigh as an anchor to keep the leg down.

Step 5. Keep your left leg engaged by extending through your heel.

Step 6. Externally rotate your right leg so that your toes point out to the side.

Step 7. Lower your leg to the right side and look towards your left.

Step 8. Return your leg to the center.

Step 9. Hold this pose for a while and gradually release the posture by come back to the starting position.

Step 10. Relax for few second and repeat the opposite side also.

These are the simple steps of this Big Toe Supine Pose. There are the numerous physical and mental benefits that we are going to explained below.

What are the Benefits of Big Toe Supine Pose (Supta Padangusthasana)?

Supta Padangusthasana offers Huge  benefits that enhance both your body and mind.

Here are some of the key benefits of Supta Padangusthasana:

  • Stretches and Lengthens the Hamstrings: This pose gives a good stretch to the hamstrings, by stretching the leg in upright pose. It enhances the flexibility and mobility in the overall lower body.
  • Improves Flexibility in the Calves and Ankles: This pose gently stretching the legs, calves and ankles. Which improves the flexibility in these areas.
  • Relieves Tension in the Lower Back: This Supta Padangusthasana is performed by lying on the back, it helps to release the tightness of the lower back. It enhances the posture and reduce the slouching of the back.
  • Opens the Hips: Big Toe Supine Pose can also open the hips, especially when the leg is extended out to the side. This helps to increase hip mobility and reduce the tightness.
  • Strengthens the Core: To maintain the balance while holding this Supta Padangusthasana, engage the core muscles. This is the good for activate the cire muscles and strengthening the torso.
  • Relieves Sciatica: By stretching the lower body in performing Supta Padangusthasana helps to reduce the sciatica symptoms such as pain, numbness.
  • Calms the Mind: This Supta Padangusthasana helps to calm the nervous system. It promotes the relaxation in the body and mind also and reduce the anxiety and stress.
  • Enhances Circulation: The Extended leg upward in this position helps to stimulates the blood circulation in the lower body. This reduces the swelling in the legs.
  • Improves Balance and Coordination: This is gentle balancing pose to hold big toe with hand. This improves the sense of balance and coordination.
  • Relieves Tightness: This pose helps to relieving the tightness or stiffness to the muscles. Big Toe Supine Pose helps to gives the feeling of relaxation and comfort to the body and mind also.


We have discussed the steps and benefits of the Supta Padangusthasana. This is the best pose to practice. When you practice this pose in your daily yoga routine, it will enhance the flexibility in lower body and gives many more health benefits as mentioned above.